The Fall, the sequel to last years The Strain, is one of those follow ups that works much better than its predecessor. Whilst The Strain had the vampire world to set up, The Fall runs with it. We now know the key principals and their conflicts. What Del Tor and Hogan deliver here is a far more streamlined beast (it’s a full 100 pages shorter than The Strain) that delivers its exposition in a more efficient manner whilst using the sequel moniker of “it’ll get worse before it gets better” to full effect. Trust me, it’s bleak.
The only issue have is that, as being part 2 of a planned trilogy, it does feel as though it’s an exercise in moving from point A to point A, something even a movie as great as The Two Towers suffered from.
But there’s no denying this series has some punch. Part 3, The Night Eternal, will be released in a years time. I can’t wait.
And not a sparkling vampire in sight.
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